dry skin rash

ECZEMA treatment in bexhill


Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that can affect anyone of any age, ethnicity or gender. The condition appears as a dry skin rash, often with a red and scaly appearance, anywhere on the body or face. Eczema is a common complaint, with an estimated 1 in 9 of us having had an outbreak at some point in our lives.

The term ‘eczema’ broadly applies to a range of persistent skin conditions also known as ‘atopic dermatitis’ which causes a variety of symptoms from dryness, redness, swelling, itching, crusting, oozing or bleeding. These conditions can lead to scarring and discolouration of the skin as a result of persistent scratching or rubbing.

When it comes to remedying eczema, it is important to recognise the condition early so you can start treatment.

Recommended Treatments for Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis):

Here at The Cooden Medical Group we aim for a full elimination of your eczema symptoms, providing long term relief from the discomfort and on-going irritation.

Dermalux LED Phototherapy

Dermalux LED Phototherapy is an effective treatment that uses ultraviolet (UV) light to reduce inflammation and help calm and heal skin. This is recommended is the eczema has failed to respond to topical treatments or is too severe for topical treatments alone.





cooden skin clinic

our bexhill clinic

The clinic is situated on the corner of Little Common Road and Peartree Lane, directly on the Little Common roundabout opposite the pelican crossing. There is two hour restricted parking on the nearby roads.